Author Instructions
Authors are invited to submit their contributions in form of high quality theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative, and critical methods, action-based research, and case studies. Papers must present original and unpublished work that is not under consideration elsewhere. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the work at the conference.
Paper Format
Submitted papers must strictly conform to the IOARP paper format. Please note that the the papers not conforming to the prescribed paper format will not be considered for a review. Maximum length of the manuscripts is 8 pages however additional pages can be allowed on payment of extra page surcharge. IOARP Paper Template in Microsoft Word format can be Downloaded Here.
Submission Guidelines
All author submissions will be accepted through IES - IOARP Editorial System. To be able to submit a paper for a review at the IOARP conferneces, authors will be required to use their IES Author Account. IES Author Account provides authors with facilities such as online submission of articles to IOARP conference and journals for a review, access reviewer decisions, communicate with the TPC Chairs and Editors, read reviewer comments, upload camera ready version of papers, and access their article submission history. Once created, the IES Author Account can be used for all the future submissions to IOARP.
If you already have an IES Author Account, please Login Here. |
To create a new IES Author Account, please Register Here. |
To submit a paper, please login using your IES Author Account. Select Submit Paper option from the top menu, enter authorship and paper details, select your desired conference from a list of open conferences, journals and books, upload your paper, and click Submit Paper button to submit your paper. Your submitted paper will be instantly available under the Submission History section of your IES Author Account. To read more about the IES Author Account, please visit IES - IOARP Editorial System on
Copyright Transfer Form
Before the papers could be included in the conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of every accepted paper will be required to submit a Copyright Transfer Form. Articles without a duly signed Copyright Transfer Form will not be included in the conference proceedings. Completed forms should be submitted to the TPC Chair of the respective conference. IOARP Copyright Transfer Form can be Downloaded Here.
Important Dates*
Paper Submission Deadline | 15 May, 2017 |
Acceptance Notification | 15 June, 2017 |
Camera Ready Paper Due | 30 June, 2017 |
Registration Deadline | 30 June, 2017 |
Conference Dates | 28-30 July, 2017 |
*Midnight EST